
*Brett Ratner nods approvingly*

Either that or "Swim Away and See Another Day"

Syrio and Gendry spinoff show.
Together: busting heads and breaking hearts.

I was hoping to christ that Syrio Forel would have popped up at some point during the chase scene or at any point over the last two seasons of Bravos stuff, to at least inject a modicum of interesting dialogue in Arya's plotline.

This is basically the same issue I had two episodes ago where they spent 20 minutes (20!) with Sam and Gilly, and all we got out of it was a reiteration that Sam's dad thinks he's fat, and that Sam now has a Valyrian sword (of which there are several in the world).

It's either this or that she's going to try to find a way to use wildfire to blow up the Sept of Baelaor (whereas in the book she blows up the Tower of the Hand)

Qyburn's rumor is probably one of three things:

Where whores go.

Lorenzo's Oil
Give Daddy His Medicine

It remains to be seen whether Cinnamon Toast Crunch causes mass infertility.

Baroqueback Mountain

Great Handjob, Internet!

Stannis is a total Heat Miser

Firefly as a Telltale Adventure game with the original actors doing voice acting would be a license to print money.

Battlestar Galactica as a Telltale Adventure game.

Desert Bus

Isn't this what the National Treasure movies basically are?

Robin, obviously.

World of Warcraft at it's peak hit just under 12.5 million subscribers in 2011, half of which were Chinese players (Blizzard had a deal with chinese firm "The9" to handle hosting / account management over in China).
