
Would it help if the AV Club hosted another Star Wars week?
With like a bake sale too?

I'm surprised someone didn't get fork-stabbed at the Red Wedding.

Walder Frey: "What are our house words?"

I liked the Sparrow a lot at first, but his whole Chris Hansen "Why don't you have a seat" routine between Margaery and Tommen is starting to get a bit tiresome. And he really hasn't offered any new insight from the religion/poor side of things for a while.

I think you mean Lem Lemoncloak, who is a fighter.

Except Stannis, apparently.

And even before that when Tyrion was in the Black Cells, Tyrion tried to get Bronn to fight for him and offered him a mountain of gold, Bronn declined because he already was made a knight, had a pretty wife, and was already rich; so what point would risking all that get him.

Was he? I didn't notice it, plus I thought a few episodes ago when the whole group left the wall and afterwards Edd made the "Someone tell the commander….Oh. Right. I'm the commander" comment, Edd was carrying Longclaw.

Yeah I was thinking that too, but Jon decided the current Night's Watch command should now have it, so it's Edd's capable, melancholy hands.


T. Waif

Oh, such sandwhiches! And they're a teamster secret!

Ramsay's been pretty happy a lot.

Sansa and Arya dealing with real-life problems, like the ones I face every day. And then having them do just the opposite - getting into far-out situations involving robots and magic powers.

If you thought Yara and Theon got to Volantis fast, you're probably not going to be happy at how many ships they'll probably have Euron already built by now.

That logic doesn't seem to be applying to Sam and Gilly's story: Sam won't even make it to Oldtown to even start becoming a Maester by the time the show ends at this rate.

Hey I suggested this like 4 weeks ago :p

Bret and Jermaine as Euron + Victarion in a special features segment would be fantastic. With Murray as Moqarro. Present.

Rumor has is that The Hound is a gay rave digger.

Easily one of my favorite characters from the first season; him devolving into one of the more tedious characters of the last two seasons was pretty disappointing. Littlefinger has been somewhat similar (I miss him and Varys)