
Mace Tyrell falls off his horse and dies.

Or The Frank Caliendo as Mel Kiper Jr of Westeros.

It probably has to be one of those short-lived, biodegradable Sunchips bags from a few years ago that sounded like a thunderstorm when you tried to eat chips from them.


If I've learned anything from Ramsay / The Sand Snakes, you get to call dibs on a kingdom by stabbing whoever is currently in charge right in front of everyone.

'No dogless man may sit the Seastone Chair!'

Arya was going to bash the Hound's head in with a rock when she thought he was sleeping, but he did his usual "Go ahead girl, do it." thing.

And then later on it cuts back to a scene of Tormund laying naked on a bearskin rug, drawing pictures of himself, Brienne, and their pet bear into his diary.

I'm sure Deryck Whibley at this point would too.

Ouroboros could be on the playbill.

I'm looking forward to them remaking Ghostbusters with an all male cast.

The Tubman Cometh


And friendship!

Oh! Actually yeah now that you mention it I finally remember why the movie is making that joke.

Mockumentaries tend to be usually a bit more generalized and usually skewer a broad industry, but there seem to be enough allusions in this to specific Bieber-related references that I'd say the comparison is at least a valid one. This seems to be partially biopic towards Bieber, although it does take some queue from

I'm surprised the review made no mention of Walk Hard at all.


I'm bristling with excitement to the point where I doubt I'll be able to sweep at night over this news.

Morty Poppins