
The teen death rate has dropped because teenage drinking and driving has dropped dramatically over the last 20+ years.…

I honestly don't know, but I've just noticed a trend among younger parents letting their kids run wild that didn't seem to be something that occurred nearly as often 10-20 years ago, and I feel it might be a generational thing.

If you want "evidence" of how an entire generation of people now have much smaller attention spans, do any one of the following

Or we can also admit that we now have an entire generation of people who have had access to cellphones / handheld devices their entire lives, and for whom the idea of standing in line at Chipotle for more than 60 seconds without glacing at their phone to check Facebook / Instagram to distract themselves from even a

Barnyard: Bungle in the Jungle


To quote Wesley Snipes: "Always upvote Dinosaurs".

I think you've basically described any CNN news show where they inexplicably feel the need to read outloud tweets from their viewers in some vain attempt to make some current event relatable to younger viewers.

I think they just managed to hit a perfect storm of several different types of people who dislike the trailers for different reasons; some reasons valid, some reasons irrational.

1) Melissa McCarthy gives 110% effort to any movie shes in, but that doesn't always translate to funny results. While she was great in Spy and Bridesmaids, she also was pretty awful in Identity Thief, The Heat, Tammy, the Boss. It's contingent based on the writing, and the trailer didn't showcase anything special for

Oreo Hot Tub.
Err Areo Hotah.

"Never will Dorne be ruled by weak men, ever again!"

"It's my cheat day, daddddddd"

Lisa needs braces

I think when they introduced the Brotherhood was one of the last time they introduced a new group of characters where ALL of them felt very well cast (Thoros, Beric, Anguy). I'm not counting the 5 seconds in season 1 between Ned and Beric though (that Beric looked kinda different and said all but 5 words).

Cersei pretty much already seemed to forget about Myrcella two episodes after finding out about it.

Don't forget, Joffrey also died on his watch. So that's technically two kings he's had die on him.

Randyll Tarly: "What are our house words?"

I agree with this completely.