
Sorry, only dubstep is allowed in movies after 2012.

He's just off Hodoring in a farm upstate, with plenty of room to run around.

Hot Pie became a cook.

Meanwhile, Bronn gathers 10 good men with climbing gear.

Like most old people, all he wanted was someone young to talk to and share a Werther's Original with.

There's also the masked woman (sorceress?) from season 1 who warns Jorah that Dany will be betrayed three times. I forget her name, and she had a much bigger part in the books.

*Wargs around and tries to see what Jeyne Poole is up to*

Daario Naharis was actually supposed to look and act like Jack Sparrow but they dialed it back and got Ed Skrein and went for a Friday Night Lights version of Daario.

"You're not my salt dad!!!"

Dick roll

Ironborn 1: "We do not sow."
Ironborn 2: "Do we vote though?"
Ironborn 1: *Checks Ironborn Rules for Etiquette and Procedure book*
Ironborn 1: "Hmm. It says here we do."

It looked like he had some sort of Didgeridoo or giant horn back there and then it just turned out it was a boring axe or whatever.

"Eunuchs hate this one simple trick to lose 6 inches from their waist in less than a day!"

The Iron(ic) Price.

Valar Hodoreus

Michael Dorn.
I'd feel safe with him, I think.

Actually that makes a lot of sense (him + Moqarro)

Syrio Forel returning is one of the few things at this point that would literally make me stand up and cheer while watching GoT.


Something, something Ian Malcolm