
It also doesn't help that he's supposed to be Balon's brother, and he looks at least 25 years younger than him.

"If I had his size, I'd be king of the fucking world."
- Biter: creepy Night's Watch traitor

Basically the Stannis scenario: 3+ seasons with a ton of screen time and ultimately doesn't so much of anything except stop Mance Rayder and then dies due to Ramsay. And I guess he did bring Melisandre along who discovers Jon Snow, but that feels incidental and could have just been done randomly (like her bumping into

He was warged when he started holding the door, but after Bran got a certain distance away, it looked like he reverted back to Hodor and Hodor realized what we was doing and understood (and was ok with it, as much as anyone being attacked by skeletons can be ok with it).

If anyone has any butt-related or racial-mismatch movie pitches they want to send my direction, I'm here all afternoon.

"And to clarify, I also call my penis 'The Dragon Horn' "

Jorah: "Vaes Dothrak… Man, I hate this shithole."

Aside from the obvious White Walker king, I think they might try to frame Euron as the other ultimate villain if Ramsay bites it at the end of this season.

When GoT closes a Sydow, he opens a Hodor.

What would make the most sense was that in the past Hodor had a prophetic vision (which multiple characters in both the books and show have hinted that some people in the GoT universe have been rumored to have that ability) of his own death and the door scene, and that was what caused his Hodor issue all these years;

You're a big, dumb vehicle.

Never stop never stopping.

Needs less Bryan Singer and more Brett Ratner.

At least he'll be happy when my script for Night at the Museum: Now You Museum, Now You Don't makes it to the big screen.

It's pretty simple: whatever the AV Club talks about at length, becomes a movie.

Given how vocal she was last episode to Jon about them having to retake the North and invested she now seems to be in taking on the role of the oldest living Stark (evidenced by the Brienne "loyalty oath" scene earlier) I'm pretty certain she'll at least show up for the battle, but she'd probably hang back behind the

Yeah I'm not saying it makes any sense logistically, but it just feels like something D&D would try to make it happen to "redeem" her character and give some catharsis to all the fans who had stuck with the show and hated seeing her deal with shitty situation after shitty situation for 6 seasons straight.

Arya is still an option. She still has to kill someone pretty important to make her whole faceless man (woman) plot arc have any point to it.


I think what she meant was that he got the daily double correct and then used that money to go on to win (obviously having to do final jeopardy as well).