

I think in the sketch Kattan is said to be born without salivary glands, so the family has to chew their food for him and feed him bird style. So obviously the whole family gets in on it.

Chris Kattan also did an absolute ton of completely ridiculous skits like Mango and Mr. Peepers and I only ever recall him breaking character once: the skit where Chris Parnell (I think) brings his girlfriend (Julianna Margolis) to meet his family for the first time at a fancy dinner party.

Falconer + The Snuggler (from Tim and Eric) shared cinematic universe.

Will Forte in "Fortin' With Will" on Tim and Eric might be the single best depiction of anger ever captured on TV.

For some reason I can't seem to load the video here at work, but Will Forte looks like John Cleese AND Billy Connolly in that image.

It sounds like a name Frank in Always Sunny would come up with in order to pull off a scam that had a Jewish angle to it.

A mormon family moves in next door and refuses to party.
Comedy ensues.

Do any of the birds in the movie pull out their phone and play Flappy Bird though?

Wow, it just passed the Bechdel Test too!

It's like the Israeli army: all US citizens aged 18-21 must spend two years as part of a laugh track audience.

Actually I think it's someone who is unaware of the plight of overweight people in our internet-obsessed culture.

Andrew Garfield is already queued up for the Angry Birds movie reboot.

Why would a robot need to shop at Target?

Are you being paid on a per punctuation error basis to promote this movie?

When you need your Poochy search optimized by 10%.

I'm not sure how you can say MadTV was a knockoff of SNL when there's been dozens of skit-based variety shows on TV that predate SNL even (i.e. "Laugh In").

"You must gather your party before venturing forth."

In the books Dany's three main bloodriders are Rakharo, Aggo, Kovarro: those were the three she trusted when she sent out to find water when trapped in the garden of bones.