
- Children's Hospital
- Rick and Morty (specifically Adolf Lincler vs Birdperson)
- The adults on South Park (essentially Console Wars, but with the parents)
- Bob and David vs Tim and Eric

Nathan Rabin uses Flop attack

"Ehrenreich" means box office boffo in industry speak!

Eddie Redmayne in full fluctuating volume mode.

Droid boogie.

I went on vacation to Japan in 2009 and on the flight over there (from Minneapolis) they showed 3 movies: Duplicity, Star Trek (the reboot), and Dragonball: Evolution. Watching Dragonball: Evolution, I was mostly baffled.

I think you meant dub step.

All along the Night's Watchtower.

Our house words: "Have We Fed The Dogs Today?"

"Me? I don't ever sow. It's dumb. It's low class.
Why sow when I can raid a Stark village and take what I want. Wherever I go, I pay the Iron Price. Heck, I pay half of the Iron Price. I never pay full price for anything. It's why people love me. Even the Dornish, although they're mostly criminals and rapists, but I'm

"We've got an awful lot of ground to cover in two seasons to rap everything up storywise."

I'd watch if he'd have a daily Janice update.

And then combine them with Bronn and 10 men with climbing gear and yowza.

I think you mean Asha nightmare.
Or I guess now it would be a Yarra nightmare.

"Budget cuts send their regards."

Favorite dream pairings:

Varys: "Great, now I'm missing two cocks."

"If its your first night at Kingsmoot, you have to moot."

Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Willis.
*looks around nervously*
I mean Hodor.

Well Stephen Dillane doesn't even like Game of Thrones, so I guess that could work.