
The controller is a metaphor

Alien: More-rigins

"And also this cave is where they stored their grain, most likely."

"Negotiations over, man! Negotiations over!"

Benjamin Bratt is in this?

"We also have an app that proves that all our shows we've debuted over the last few years have actually been well received critically and have been largely beloved by our viewers."

Can we just get a Calvin and Hobbes version of Sean Penn and El Chapo and be done with this?

I'm presuming all of the walls in that house are load-bearing walls, if you catch my drift.


You, me, and Dupree. And Herpes.

Yes all of the games in the series have multiple instances of over-sexualized females, but at the same time it also features a lot more well fleshed-out (pun not intended) female characters than most games, many of which have honest-to-god non-cliche dialogue and even believable motivations, without doing that "let's

You're Kevin Sorbo?

Otm Shank?

This summer, Kevin James IS Baskin Robbins.

That would clearly be unnecessary now, as ¡Rob! already covered that ground.

The Wee Baby Wee-Bey

Cracker, please.

The strange thing is that over the last couple of years I've kind of come to the conclusion that Bush isn't actually all that bad of a person really. And it kind of shows when you see him talk now. If anything, he essentially was just Bobby Newport (Paul Rudd) from Parks and Rec; i.e. not particularly smart, not well

You'd think so, but we literally had this same issue in 2000 with the Gore - Bush debates and repeated again for a second time in 2004: seeing one candidate appear to be grossly more well spoken / domestically and globally informed / actually interested in the work of being a president (vs thinking it would be a super

To be fair though, that's probably true for a lot of businesses / business owners. I'm sure Yahoo / HP / Circuit City / JCPenny probably all would have been better off just letting their money sit.