

This sounds like the weirdest British Euphemism ever.

"Irreversible: It's the one movie you can't not go back and unwatch."

He would have been absolutely perfect as the villain for this.

I also would have accepted a Jon Lovitz .gif

"You want it to be one way. But it's the other way"

Kumail would have been wonderful

Eddie Murphy gets to play 6 different characters.

I kickstarted this, but I was seriously hoping they would have been able to get someone on the level of like Patton Oswalt or Paul F Tompkins to host. Alas no.

You see, NFC teams drive like this. But AFC teams, they drive like this.

Rob Ryan looks like one of the lesser known brothers of Zeus: he's in between jobs right now and just needs to borrow a few dinars until he gets things sorted out.

Vikings: Casting off our players to the Seahawks. Importing underwhelming players from the Packers (excluding Ryan Longwell and, uh, pre-rapist Darren Sharper)

The Nike Color rush is a experiment: stage 2 is to green-screen/blue-screen actual commercials projected onto players jerseys in between plays. I look forward to seeing ads for DXL on Vince Wilfork very soon.

His name was Victor Cruz.

"Well Jared, we seem to be in a bit of a legal pickle here. Possibly dill."

To be fair, by comparison Avatar has a 83% Rotten Tomatoes rating which I can only fathom it gained entirely on the technical aspects: it's equally a movie that's not very well written, suffering from uneven pacing and wildly varying tone. But it does have a protagonist you are at least least slightly rooting for, if

They probably complain about all the Sullustans and Rodians moving into their neighborhood.

"Jared Fogle was a weird genius who didn't deserve our hate"
- 5 years from now

Just watched it again after not having seen it since it was in theaters, and it actually is kinda terrible. Obi-Wan seems to forget he even has the force the entire time. Doesn't force grab his lightsaber when it gets knocked away. Doesn't force push Jango's gun off the platform when it gets knocked away on the