
Starship Troopers is a bad movie that I thoroughly enjoy that I'd consider a work of weird genius (as are many of Paul Verhoeven's movies). Battlefield Earth is a bad movie that I thoroughly enjoy that is not a work of weird genius. The Star Wars prequels are bad movies that are not enjoyable, nor works of weird

Kill Bill: Volume 2 I'd argue acts technically as the prequel to volume 1, and is even slightly better than the first one.

He consulted with Cleveland Cavalier's owner Dan Gilbert beforehand, obviously.

Have season 3 return to the Lovecraftian / Robert Chamber tones and themes of season 1, and have the show take place largely in a huge mall in some nearly extinct area like the outskirts of Detroit or maybe Flint, Michigan. Tonally, something of a mix between Needful Things, Twin Peaks, and the extremely creepy mall

It's fun when you imagine it in Shatner's voice.

I feel like people who critically defend the Star Wars prequels seem to fall into one of two camps: A) people who also like the movie Southland Tales and praise it for its laudable attempt to build a densely packed world with a deep, and rich mythology, meticulously explored and B) sane people

I can't express how much I love this comment

You either described ending to Return of the Jedi or The Oogieloves Movie.

Or The Wicker Man with M. Night Shyamalan. I'll take either.

"The Crying Game" with M. Night Shyamalan

"You're blowing me apart Lisa!!!"

Did anyone else notice that the ads for Sin City Saints had the volume turned up to 2x normal? I remember watching Community and having to leap off the couch during each ad for that show to turn down the volume to humanoid levels.

Doof where's my car

Oddly enough, it reminds me of how I felt watching Carnivale: the cinematography and production values are fantastic but ultimately season 1 takes about 2/3rds of the season for it actually go anywhere. And similarly, season 2 in it's entirety is fantastic.

Lance Reddick, Jim Beaver, John Slattery, Mae Whitman, Elizabeth Banks, Kerri Kenney

Quesarito + Zach Braff = Zachary Quinto

Meanwhile, the US continues to take selfies until 1941.

He shouldn't be that hard to find with Lojack

Emmy + Old Folks bait: Meryl Streep in "Selfie's Choice"

25:1 Mord from The Aerie. He and Tyrion definitely bonded back in season 1.