
Raving in Rothenburg? Trying my patience in Trier?

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There seems to be a vast gulf between Missouri Synod and ELCA. I'm beginning to understand why my parents went Methodist when we moved to Oklahoma.

I couldn't possibly. Fuck off!


Lutheranism is a lot like that, not surprisingly.

It is. Also, "We allow dancing!"

That's hyperbolic.

Take it up with Noah Webster.

That's why I love all the Lutheran jokes on MST3K. My people!

They're all from Planet Churchill for the first six months.

I'm not a big fan of huge age gaps in relationships, but I much preferred Richard. He was so damned charming.

Not even Hugh would be worth losing suffrage over.

Don't do that to the poor housekeeper!

I thought it was a better show overall.

And after his death, Sebastian transforms magically into a sympathetic character, and everyone hates Catherine instead. He was at least as awful as she was, and she had much better dress sense!

That's the way it was supposed to end!

And then they kill the band. It's cruel!

I…I have to go. I'm needed elsewhere.

I do not answer to Gustav Princip.