
Frank Stallone.

I would have been the weirdest kid in Miami, OK, if we hadn't moved. Instead I was one of the weirdest kids in King of Prussia.

Those are swank! I want them in my size. I would wear them everywhere.

There were BSG shoes? I would have loved those!


Gods damn it, Whovian.

I like the cut of your jib, sir.

They've already filmed and are in post, so he has plenty of time for more S.H.I.E.L.D.

Lutheran passive-aggression at its finest.

I think she might aim more specifically.

He agreed to it in exchange for Everyone's help in gathering evidence against the attacker.

No, just that she had to shave Sherlock's. He couldn't do it himself.

Ugh, Daniel.

What I mean to say is that I love you.

The Master would approve.

You're not reading the Kafka translations again, are you?

Some of the writers on this site depress me.

I really wish it were the other way around.

As does Poe.

I will slap your face right off of your face.