
He is a treasure.

Then he'd murder for a Tab.

Jeg taler ikke dansk!

God damn it, scrappybilly.

Night Porter reference!

Well done, Marvin.

"I'm gonna kill ya; I'm gonna kill ya dead. Then I'm gonna bring ya back to life and kill ya again."

The brand of interesting we currently serve is not for all tastes. In fact, it should be to no one's!

First I've heard of it.

Mein Nazi, mein Schatzi

Are they the classiest of broads? Do they have yuge sashes?

That's $200 worth of pudding right there.

I delight in its snide poetry.

Everyone thinks Krampus is the naughty one.

Could he be Bob Ross?

Just ask Charmin.

What does Enigma have to do with this?

A few times, when I had friends in Providence and Boston. Then I had them flung to their deaths because they displeased me.

You can see where the Carnegies flung unsatisfactory servants to their death!

Apologies; I meant Newport as the scene of Claus' crime.