
Watch any random Shark Week.

We'll never hear it from Planje.

Whom would we ask? Erik? I'll gladly harangue him!

I tweeted her to see if Greer has done something dastardly. I would hope Erik Adams would let us know if something were amiss!

I'm not sure I'd want her to cover another show I watch. I'd never know when I'd get to read the reviews. This has happened every week.

Absolutely, especially considering how erratic Planje has been with her reviews. We never know when they'll go up. Just give us a placeholder already!

No, they've been really bad this season with the reviews going up.

And we're still waiting!

It doesn't mean a woman in her 20s, though. I just don't agree.

You'd think with only one episode this week, the review might go up in a timely manner.

Prince Philip, what a dick.

Grab your gear; a Christmas tree's impaled a marine.

Grown woman, not a young girl. Have a little respect.

Same with the judge.

Stupid babies deserve the most condescension!

This must explain Gugino as well.

Adam Sandler's Labor Day Telethon to Keep Rob Schneider Employed

It's there in the bottom right corner, just waiting to suck.

Oh hai, gun bawwell—