
The third question my Japanese students asked me, after "Do you like Japanese food?" and "Do you use chopsticks?" was "Do you own a gun?"

I give Rita a little more credit. She stayed behind to try to help the scientist while her dear old dad abandoned them both. So she's semi-soulless with a chance at redemption. Vaughn is an irredeemable wretch and I hope Rita destroys him.

Should we send them some editors' brains?

From there to Tommy Lee.

"Damien" was just dropped for lack of comments/being a terrible show, so there are spots in their schedule. Someone could cover "Limitless"! I honestly don't know how these things work, but "Limitless" received more than 180 comments, so that may speak well for it if the avclub revisits their decision.

I hope our avclub overlords rethink their decision not to cover the show.

No, sorry, no points. She wasn't a strumpet at all!

So again…

Is he still dead?

Better actor, yes, though the accent was painful!

Mary Magdalene was not the same woman Jesus forgave. The Church conflated the two. MM is an entirely different ginger!

Agreed on both counts. Jack wasn't around as long, thankfully.

I wish Henrietta had survived the Jack the Ripper story last year. See, Adalind? Some Hexenbiests aren't unremitting embodiments of evil. It will be ok.

Oh, it was perfectly fine for Hitler to fuck a donkey. It just couldn't be a dead one.

Out of curiosity, I looked up the Danish title: "One of Us Is the Killer." How delightfully straightforward of them, to spoil it right there on the cover.

It was supposed to be a dead donkey, but the CBC censors said that was a step too far!

The original title, or the slightly amended title? I thought until fairly recently that "Ten Little Indians" was the original, but hey now, was I ever wrong!

I'd rather they integrated her more fully into the plots, though. I love Claire Coffee, but I'm not too keen on seeing her stuck in the warehouse with a baby. That's not an Adalind I really care about, because that version hasn't been given enough opportunity to be sexy, feisty, or even funny. I wouldn't be averse to

It wouldn't quite be the same. Juliette was always one of the good guys, albeit a cardboard cutout much of the time. Sean was always shady.