
The Babysitters Club members put together things like child entertainment kits, swapped hints on watching children, jointly organized their schedules, and understood emergency preparedness so just being able to reach any old six baby sitters would not be the same thing. These business savvy young 'uns understood

That's why we need the alien rape kit.

Can't find any images of Helen Keller wearing sunglasses. Apparently her teacher Anne Sullivan did.

Uh, this is almost exactly one of the stories told by Uncle Borgel in the Daniel Pinkwater book "Borgel" I see that the linked article makes this clear, although the story is changed just a bit. Check out chapter two around 4:40

My girlfriend in Canada keeps in touch by Facebook now.

Thought I'd seen this before. The process is something like 15 years old. Shoot, doesn't even crimp an image of the state capitol building into it.

Hmm, sidearm as in not the main weapon used in battle? What about the Roman gladius, which was the main weapon of the legions for a very long time in history.

Hey, get the album of that music, it's great stuff.

From some things I've read, the roots of acupuncture *are* in bloodletting.

Doable with free software. GIMP?

I microwave my bacon on a plate between sheets of paper towel.

That's cool. I'd swear I saw chopsticks in that picture, but they've suddenly disappeared.

Spork and long-handled spork. Seems like two tools to me. Depends on how you want to count things I suppose.

Several countries at various times have set the league to various different distances, but how far you can walk in an hour is also used.

No mention of the league? The distance you can walk in an hour, or maybe the distance your horse can walk in an hour, it all depends it seems.

The design has nothing to do with eating at restaurants, it's all about increasing utility in camping. "If you're going to carry chopsticks and a spork, buy our spork because you can use it with your chopsticks to make another tool."

A spork is not fork safety scissors.

At least this example is closer to 15% than the previous one that was broadcast all over Internet land.

This article would have been just fine except for the terribly inaccurate comparison to Daleks.

Ah science, we learn new things and then tell everyone about them.