
Hey, they made a sitcom based on Twitter posts, it was all downhill from there. Anything is possible, anything is permissible.

Lots of well dressed Italians used to carry around stilettos. Pretty little things, but you only have to look at them to see that they are indeed designed simply for stabbing people.

Don't we already have laws about threatening people? Why do we need a special one just for electronic media? Let's make new laws by putting an i in front of them!

Let's complain about QR codes when we don't even know what they are capable of. You can encode 250 characters of just plain text if you want to, certainly enough for a name, address, and contact number. They don't necessarily have to encode a web address.

Actually, the last linguist I read on the subject claimed he couldn't really pin it down. Yoda's syntax is not regular and mappable directly to any language.

Yes, they have backups of backups. Google spreads copies around and has automatic methods for restoring data on dead drives. You pull a dead drive, put another in its place, and the system pulls in the copies to repopulate. And then, there's tape.

Uh, didn't the article say just about exactly this? I was pleased to see they got it right.

Aren't these guys aliens now?

His peeps are all colorful marshmallow birds

Yeah, these are all basic rules for how to do stage combat.

I believe they've had motorized golf bag carriers that follow you for at least 10 years.

Is that a completed Washington Monument? I thought that wasn't finished until after Lincoln was dead.

I wonder if formatting it for NTFS would keep it form being useful on a Mac? I have no Mac to try this on.

A ha! I have never tried this but I heard about it ages ago. Apparently one of the egg council organizations had instructions on cooking eggs in a pressure cooker but I could never find it on-line. I figured that was a great way to ensure that everyone got their eggs cooked the same way, no matter what altitude

You bought the good chicory coffee in the red can. Never get the stuff you find everywhere in the yellow can, it tastes totally different and totally bad.

See The Golden Globe by John Varley for space hobo action.

I used to light those sorts of matches on my front teeth.

No, it should read Daylight Saving Time starts Sunday morning.

Indeed, why not build in a "disable all distractions" option?

To judge by how all the anime groups tend to respond to such complaints, I'd say they all must be about 12 years old. Still, it's their time and effort, you just have to live with such things.