
You must be new Shane. What you’re looking for is Kotaku Core:

Funny how there’s always one of these comments in articles like this one.

Artists and level designers have nothing to do when the game is in QA testing. What else are they supposed to do?

Pretty twisted to be excited about someone’s failure. As disappointed as I am, it’s better this happens than it gets released broken. A step that a lot of devs should probably take.

Don’t be an asshole.

Well, this is game development. At least they aren’t being forced by a publisher to release the game while it still has a serious problem.

The “k” stands for Kojima

Don’t you mean...J-Pop? He’s not Korean.

I’m definitely getting Persona 5 at launch. It’s a new freaking Persona. The last mainline game was way back in 2008. To me that’s more hype than the new Star Wars.

Upon further review I think so too. Fanbois gonna fan I guess :)

Well then don’t buy her.

No real point in Chrom when there’s basically what would be a clone of him already in game.

I wanted another Fire Emblem character. :|
I’m ok with it if this game becomes “Fire Smash Brothers, and other characters from some random nintendo games, also Zelda”

Really? People bitch about Fire Emblem characters?

There’s no proper discourse to be found in your comment, so Denton said that I proceed with the snark/meme usage.

I did. I want ALL Fire Emblem characters. HAHAHAHA.

If this crook can’t speak for himself, let the people who’ve been ripped off speak for him.

Probably why my cousin and I are not as excited about Halo 5. We played through most of all Halo campaigns in split-screen and we were excited about 5 before the split screen news.

The developers just wanted a payday, too.

I hate it when you need to buy things in order to enjoy a game... wait.. you dont? Then why are people... ohhhhhhhhhhh they dont understand that buying a game for 5 bucks does not really help the developer who has been consistently pushing out new content survive.... gotcha..