
Waddle on back to the Bungie forums. Calling people with well-warranted negative opinions about Destiny “crybabies” doesn’t really work here.


Great Job!

actually and this is coming from a guy who’s totally annoyed by gamer entitlement, but the people complaining have a point. The Collectors Edition comes with exclussive stuff that dedicated Destiny players would want more then most, however to get it they have to spend $80.00 rather then the expansions $40.00 which

How far did you read the article? People are upset that in order to get the collectors edition with the extra goodies, they basically have to pay for the game over again.

Did you just read the headline... maybe the first paragraph... and then come down here to comment? The actual complaint is all spelled out up there.

This is beautiful stuff. The Batmobile is great and all that, but al I ever wanted out of this game was the Bat Family. Thank god Rockstead is delivering.

It’s like someone at DC read Shortpacked and took the hint.

Not only the best Ex-Batman Sidekick but also the best Ex-Batman. I love the run with him as the Bat and Damian as Robin. And I share your opinion on the mask, it looks stupid. The same with Robin’s shaved head.

Little figurines of Nintendo characters (Mario, Peach, Samus, etc). They utilize near-field communication (I think is the term). Basically, they're sort of like a mini storage device for characters. So, for instance, in Smash I can connect a Samus one to my game, teach the character my playstyle, and from then on I

OlliOlli was easily one of the greatest games that I played in 2014. Can't wait for this!

The Incredible Hulk is also in Phase 1

I have no problem with the gender, I'll judge the movie on its merits if it comes out. I'm cautious about Wiig and McCarthy simply because I see too much of them already and I'm kind of tired of seeing the same casting over and over in comedies and "quirky" indies.

I don't want to see them play the same thing they

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We can get an idea of what Leslie Jones's character reaction to Ghosts will be like judging by her performance in this SNL skit. I think she's funny.

What physical activity? I think the movies show them breaking into a brisk jog like, two times? Otherwise it's all: Walk in, zap ghost, trap ghost.

"Tammy" made $80 million in the US despite abysmal reviews, on top of two $100m hits she's headlined (The Heat, Identity Thief) and another that made her a star (Bridesmaids), that's the kind of star power Melissa McCarthy brings just on her own. Reteaming her with Wiig and Feig — bringing the three biggest players

I think both Wiig and McCarthy were on Bill Murray's wish list.

the original cast was a bunch of nobodies... ... ...unless you watched SNL. Same for this group.

Because Harold Ramis is dead and you don't bring back the original Ghostbusters without Harold Ramis.

I'd prefer that miles functions like nightwing to peter's batman. Independant hero in the same vein, but not a sidekick. Let's face it, there are going to be like 16 spider-man comcis running simultaeously ANYWAY, who why not have Peter be the amazing spider-man and miles be the spectacular spider-man.You could have

mentor would be a nice new kind of dynamic for spiderman. they tried it a few times before but not with characters anyone really cared about. if that was the next movie i would want to go see that.