
Attractive and unattractive are two opposite extremes. Just because people don't find you attractive doesn't mean they find no attractiveness in you whatsoever, otherwise people would only feel one of two emotions for every person they met: strong liking or strong disliking. But we very rarely have strong feelings

1. A fact generally overlooked is that when you have a relationship with one blatantly unhealthy person (the archetype asshole bf), it's actually a relationship with two unhealthy people (the nice girl no one understands is dating the asshole), because no healthy person wants to get close to an asshole. It looks on

Who the hell do you think you are telling a total stranger on a forum that he is unattractive! He writes one paragraph and you think you're so omnipotent you know everything there is to know about him and are entitled to cast judgement? You really think because someone is young that gives you the right to patronize

Nice guys do get dates. I'm marrying a nice guy. A fact generally overlooked is that when you have a relationship with one blatantly unhealthy person (the asshole), it's actually a relationship with two unhealthy people, because no healthy person wants to get close to an asshole. It looks on the surface like the

Why did you even interview Leigh if you already planned an agenda to vilify the PUA community as pure evil? I've seen more thoughtful blogging from an 8-year-old I know...this blog entry is pure propaganda, and totally pointless as you discredited everything your interview subject said based on nothing but your

I forgot to mention this in my last comment, but I think you are someone who would get a lot out of joining these two sites (don't worry, they're not dating sites):

Yay :-)

This doesn't make sense...if a guy or a girl wants a romantic relationship with someone who doesn't want a romantic relationship back, why would either of them continue to hang out with each other? Unless they permanently part ways, it's just asking for trouble by dangling a carrot in front of the unrequited lovers

I don't know what experiences you had growing up, but as someone who also had an abusive childhood, I understand how profound the longterm effects are and how much time (and therapy) it can take before you truly begin to unbrainwash yourself (and cope with feelings of shame that may accompany the process). But it's

Then why haven't you yet had success. Is it more likely that there is a factor X you haven't uncovered yet, or more likely the world is against you and you're mysteriously cursed?

Hi reasonweeps2! I read your comments and I'm very worried for the following reasons: I'm currently unemployed and I haven't gotten the jobs I really want on my own, so I started reading scores of books and articles on how to interview better, compose stand-out cover letters, and how to network. These articles are

No he didn't.

Everyone deserves happiness and a loving partner. I am not trying to troll or attack you, but all your conclusions are based solely on your personal experiences and assumptions. Just because something happened to you personally, and just because you think something doesn't mean that your experiences and thoughts are

To add to your comment, people who think strangers who approach them and try to start a conversation are needy and desperate are merely needy and desperate people themselves - they simply choose (often automatically) to disguise their insecurities by acting full of themselves and put others down to feel and appear

@sorrynotsorry I second this statement!

I'm assuming your brother has a good relation with your mom and yourself, correct? In my personal experience (i.e. people I know and things I've seen), I've observed that men who are remarkably successful with women grew up with healthy, close relationships with the women in their family and as an adult have many