Am I the only one that has an issue with notch announcing paid DLC items?
Am I the only one that has an issue with notch announcing paid DLC items?
I would argue that Team Fortress 2 was developed with little influence from TFC.
Are ugly people automatically stronger?
So you're supporting shoddy business practices?
Are you trying to write as pretentiously and verbosely as possible, or does it just come naturally to you?
Games on consoles really look terrible compared to games running max on a PC.
You can build a good gaming for about 800. PCs for gaming costing upwards of 1500-2000s is untrue.
I believe it's a Dawn of War game.
You have no idea what you're talking about. There are so many things wrong with this article, that I'm going to have to write another article to name them all.
It's too blue to remind me of Deus Ex: Human Resources.
Just use a VM.
So you're a member of the, ahem, PC Master Race?
I am so stoked for this game.
Braid looked terrible, I agree. The art style was fucking awful.
I wholeheartedly agree. Jesus says inflammatory statements and dumb things solely for the reason of pageviews. Either that, or god forbid, he really believes these things.
I really don't think that Steve Jobs not being there had anything to do with some of the 'design decisions' in iOS of Lion sucking.
It looks to me like this was written by one guy to another, and wasn't quite formal.
This is already coming to the PC.
I see no irony in that statement.
Because you need essay-class writing in an email, right?