
Pirate: Piracy is not stealing, here is why (...)

You still have to install origin.

I'm a thieving scumbag? The lowest of the low? Awesome. At least I'm getting a free game out of it.

Damn. Any way I can fix this, you think?

I think this is the best way to describe it.

The 360 also has 10mb of extremely high bandwidth RAM, I believe, which helps it quite a bit.

I dunno where else to put this, so I'm putting it here. The replies box in the upper right corner of the screen is broken. Google Chrome, Windows 7 x64-86 Ultimate.

Honestly, no. He says it how it is, and he's interesting enough. I get a thrill from listening to him. He doesn't need to bullshit crowds like Steve Jobs does, the stuff he does is amazing on its own merits.

But nobody cares, because it's on PC and that's the only thing that matters.

Id's Catacomb 3d predates Ultima underworld. The only thing that has a reasonable claim to being an FPS before Catacomb 3D is MidiMaze.

I feel that that money should not be spent, since it doesn't exist.

I can never think of the Beastie Boys without thinking of Sean Carasov (ODB) anymore. Geez, I miss him.

Don't compare grading of papers which is not nearly as arbitrary to subjective, creative things such as this.

It actually is full of veteran developers. From CD Projekt Red, City Interactive, and People Can Fly, actually.

I find it funny that Kotaku is making fun of the Sun when the entire Gawker network is probably more sensationalist and less journalistic than the sun.

Are you trolling? Please be trolling.

I often hate prerendered video, because of the compression artifacts I always notice, and the fact that it for some reason can often cause vertical tearing on my screen.

Because they don't spend such a massive amount of it, and hoard it.


the uncanny valley is primarily a physical response. It has more to do with robots than characters on screen, especially because we realize that they're just on screen.