
You guys are idiots.

What's wrong with you?

You still have to go through this when you have a private jet.

Honestly, I don't what's more expensive, these machines or tons of trained dogs. I'd think we have a lot more air traffic than Mexico.

He seems like a massive douche.

School prayer as in personal prayer or mandated prayer?

Why do you have to defend your argument being shot down with insults and redundancy?

I take it the solution to global warming is to plan trips to Florida? Will this excuse work with my management?

>Ironically, if Apple had taken a page out of Microsoft's book in this case, it would have been a step in the right direction.

Turn Based JRPGs suck.

Doesn't work in blog mode in Chrome either. Hasn't since the redesign.

New ZZT.

I can't remember the last time I've pirated a game. Currently downloading Crysis 2, however.

Guess whose games I'm going to pirate from now on?

Current consoles can't even do 1080p. We need to render at 1080 before we move beyond that.

50% more processing power than the 360 is not very impressive.

What a bunch of anarchistic retards.

Blue LEDs are definitely a personal choice.

@Mr. Despaire

I. Want to be impressed. I'm just not.