
Low or high orbit?

You're a man if you have a penis. And in my opinion, transgenders are still men.

Cell processor is superior to the PowerPC in the xbox, but the graphics card isn't as good, and it's harder to use, so the xbox gets the better looking games, especially for multiplat.

There are like two good animes ever. Everything else is a steaming pile of horsecrap.

Don't. Anime sucks and is bad for you and your health.

Last month. I had to reformat.


This, honestly, is incredibly impressive.

Macbooks frequently flex, often onto the dvd and making it inoperable.

Then improve your skills with that knife.

You obviously don't get around much. Go to RPS or any developer blogs.

I grew up with vidya and do not think they are art.

You were playing PC games in 1949?

Someone's mad they don't have money to waste on overpriced PC hardware.

Someone's jealous they don't have a nice PC.

Depending on resolution, yes, I actually may be able to.

Same. I'm very disappointed now.

You do know that there are warranties for each piece of hardware.

Wikipedia is as verifiable and accurate as pretty much any other encyclopedia.