
It takes place after the books.

At least they're proportionate now.

Final Fantasy XIII was awful, and WRPGs have better stories than JRPGs. JRPGs are filled with awful archetypes. Japan just pales in comparison to storytelling to WRPGs.

Final Fantasy is just objectively a bad series, especially from 7 onward.

I fucking told you guys the humor attempt was awful.

That is not what you were implying. "You...are not important" is a fairly cut and dry sentence. It can't be interpreted many different ways.

It dilutes and wipes away any humorous value that it could have had, which admittedly was never much. Also, I don't often see conspiracy theorist's sites typing in such a way. Maybe the conspiracy theorists I tend to listen to have a higher intelligence than your theorists of choice.

No, you didn't.

I had to take a bit of a second there when you called me butthurt. Anyway, moving on.

I understand that. But it's not funny. Not even in the slightest. Caps lock and gratuitous punctuation has never been funny.

No. This is only humorous if you've been on the internet for about 14 minutes. It reads like a 12 year old wrote it after their favorite video game character lost in a poll. Extraneous punctuation and caps lock do not make for good humor.

A. I don't care if I have a star or not, and do not have to attack other commenters on a tech blog to make myself feel important.

all caps shows obvious sarcasm.

This was not funny. Not even in the slightest. There is a reason you write for Gizmodo and not for Cracked. Do not make any more of these humor articles.

Apple's desktop and laptop business is secondary at this point.

They really don't.

No, you're completely wrong.

The 5850 is currently 140 dollars on newegg. I'd suggest that.

No, the draw of Pokemon to older people (competitive Pokemon) is that it is a strategy game in its multiplayer. Making some stupid as hell active-time battle system would dilute this and make it less strategic.

I take it back.