
I think the article may have exaggerated a bit. They probably knocked on his door.

Wouldn't you be able to see through anything by drilling a hole through it?

5:3 is the best for phones. 16:9 sucks for anything not monitors and televisions, but 16:10 is much superior to it (except for movies).

No, he just has decided that apple isn't satisfying his needs in what he wants in a smartphone anymore, and therefore will look elsewhere. It's called "consumerism".

That wasn't my point, but I do appreciate your blatant and asinine sarcasm.

but they're just making shit up to hate on portal 2 for. That's the difference.

You mean like they did from Daggerfall to Morrowind, except it was more like 1/1000

How would it have the power of a 360 backing it up? It'd have to be wired, and with a wire with extremely high bandwidth at that.

It's much better with two players, and several chambers will be completely undoable.

They're still nothing compared to 1 and 2.

Fanboys also have selective reading ability.

Boot camp.

Live actually has less content than Steam, which is the undisputed king of online gaming networks.


I'd expect reimbursement if my Playstation Network Plus account wasn't able to be used for an extended period of time.

I'm 24, an IT tech, and often use "It's like an iphone" to describe my Samsung Captivate as it is a very easy way to convey the message of what it is to an older person.

The only thing Apple innovates in is marketing.

Told. Math told.

Actually, it's not. Not at all. Not even in the slightest.