
Late to game bc I’ve just watched it for first time today but: IMO Kenny deserves his fate. The others in some way also did. All the people had agency. They could have told the hackers “eff you, post it! Whatever!” It’s digital stuff, not like the hackers were physically in the person’s house holding guns to their

Super, super, late to the game here so not sure you’d even see this comment, but just watched the episode for the first time and reading reviews/comments - anyway, I was struck by your comments- And I just wanted to say that your logic *seems* sound except that you forget one thing: the child in the photo or video is

I would be interested to look at this research. My understanding was that the research demonstrated the opposite (that looking at child porn and being part of a pedophile community emboldens pedophiles by making them feel as thought they are normal and their behaviour is acceptable).

I take issue with the idea that watching child pornography does no harm. If nothing else, it encourages suppliers to feed demand.

I appreciate your interpretation but I in no way thought that at all, especially given his reaction when the other guy tried to confirm what he did. I thought it was pretty obvious that that's what he had done.

Viewing child abuse images feeds the market for them. He did act in a way that caused harm to people.