
This sounds like it was written by someone that doesn’t actually watch, or know anything about NASCAR.

How did everyone’s mind not go right here. It’s even the LAPD... again

C3 Vette. Foxbody 5.0. Impala SS.

Is your tesla a V6 or a V8?” 

Man, I rail against this “threaded fasteners=bad” mentality. The plastic clip that doesn’t snap after 8 years of driving is rare in my experience. “People aren’t going to service this” feels like a very, very OEM perspective. Totally believe his reasoning on not liking threaded fasteners, but they sure feel worth it

It’s not. He’s my rep and he is actually that stupid.

Thos was as much a joke as the guy that asked if Guam would flip over if we stationed too many people there.

It wasn’t a joke. Might be trying to play it off as a joke now that everyone is laughing, but he really is that stupid.

You think someone deserves to get PIT’d because they wanted to find a safe spot to pull over?

every time I see a moderately high res picture of him it still blows my mind—how can ~40% of the population see everything that I see in that picture—the small pale hands, glowing orange foundation, bad combover, ill-fitting suits, tubby body, etc.—and think that that projects or exemplifies strength, leadership,

Yeah, I’ve owned 3 Golfs. (6 & 7 TDI, 7 R). All have been basically trouble free. Only one repair on the 3 of them across around 120k miles - the push button start on the R went a bit flaky at about 30k miles.

My Mk6 VW GTI was far more reliable than people give VWs credit for. No issues, whatsoever, throughout my ownership. Just a reliable, fun, entertaining and practical little car. I’ve heard similar stories from other GTI owners as well. Frankly, that also extended to other Golfs - the Mk5 2.5 that my wife owned when I

Mostly the fact that it’s a bunch of ill-informed, angry, right-wing loons spouting conspiracy theories and other dangerous garbage.


The whip antennas create more aerodynamic drag than other, more modern designs such as the sharkfin. What I wonder is: Why is the window-mounted antenna so rare? You can have your 31" of antenna out of the way of roof loading and with NO drag just by gluing the wire trace to a rear or quarter window.

Rural AM radio? Yes, many things. Mostly the fact that it’s a bunch of ill-informed, angry, right-wing loons spouting conspiracy theories and other dangerous garbage.

no, I just make a hole in bag with my teeth. 

I have literally never seen a low fuel light on any car I’ve ever owned. I don’t know why I would want to.

“This isn’t a heartwarming tale, this is a damning indictment”