

“Hack journalism” at it’s finest! A whole bunch of unproved suppositions combined with slander. Somehow I think that the FLDS attorneys are going to have issues with this article and sue your asses into oblivion...

It’s highly possible that those O-rings were built using the religious equivalent of slave labor.

They were a company that made o-rings. So NASA’s subcontractor Thiokol bought o-rings from them. It’s not like they had some engineer fly from Houston to Salt Lake City and knock on the door with a briefcase full of SRB plans. 

Everything you just wrote is absolutely insane.

Man, you’re really reaching with some of these conclusions. Accusations with nothing to back them up, failure to understand that the subject you chose to write about, is probably the smallest part of the problem in a long list of problems that caused the explosion. I wasn’t even alive for it to happen and I know that

Utah isn’t exactly Silicon Valley East

Silly argument, did you know L. Ron Hubbard died on the day the Challenger exploded? (of course so did Andy Gibb and Divine) I’ve said for years that some sub-unit of the church that actually operated from Venus for Xenu staged the explosion to cover up his ‘Elvis has left the building!’ death.

You nicely sum up my understanding of the disaster and the headline (along with various excerpts you identify) are click-baity. I doubt any of this really surprises you.

Came here to say this. The o-ring was just a part. It was a bad design flaw to blame - the joint was faulty in several ways. They had also seen blow-by (gases leaking) on previous launches and didn’t address it. O-ring erosion had been seen since the earliest shuttle launches too because the design allowed the parts

Okay so...

The newest Base golf with the 1.4T (or 1.8T ~2015) is even better than that 2.5L you had. The 2.5 was reliable, but the new TSI motors have significantly more torque. I don’t have a base golf but I love my VW

A base Golf is still a fun car. They have a nicer pedal feel and roll on acceleration than you’d expect. I had one back in 2009, when I couldn’t really afford nice stuff. But a base Golf was a good car then, and it was a nice car. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t fast, but I did enjoy it on the curvy back roads of

Shame....These MK7 cars really are some of the best compact cars ever made. My ‘18 Wagon 4mo 6MT is such a delight to own and drive. Has everything I need, nothing I don’t, and can haul basically whatever I want. I get to row my own gears and I get 37-39mpg avg on long highway trips. The 1.8TSI is powerful *enough*

Oh stop it.

“efficient crossovers”

The HRV is based on the Fit. It manages to be slower, more expensive, uglier, thousands more expensive, AND 15-20% worse on gas. What a great deal!

Gas will get expensive again if we ever have politicians that look to make driving a secondary mode of transport, not the norm.  

I remember vividly the first time I saw the rear amber LED turn signals on an LCI (refresh) E46 3 series coupe/convertible. The chunk of yellow light flashing on and off immediately without any ‘rise’ time looked so cool, and still looks cool to me to this day.

I want the rise time of my turn signals (and even more so, brake lights) to be as fast as possible, and if the effect is jarring, all the better. The fall time can be as soft as you like, though I’m not too interested in it either way.

The list is:

This looked like fun but I refuse to click through a slideshow. This is Jalopnik, not Popsugar.