

They want to force people to live in dense cities whether they like it or not. 

By mandate. I know I won’t leave my nice bedroom community without being forced to move. Not interested in moving to high density housing and leaving behind a house with a yard and garage. I’ll deal with a longer commute to keep my home. 

1) People don’t start using public transportation until the cost or inconvenience of vehicle ownership becomes prohibitive.

I think what you really mean is To Really Cut Carbon Emissions, Stop Living.

Aston used to have elegant style — they were simply gorgeous. Now? Not so much.

Honestly? It was kinda funny talking to the clerk in Sally Beauty Supply:

I mad the mistake once of thinking that I didn’t need to spend 3 seconds to put on glasses to just under my car “real quick” to hold LT header while my buddy started the bolts. I ended up getting what I thought was dirt in my right eye. We pressed on, and I figured the “dirt” would come free. FF to 2 days later, and

Pretty much sums it up.  Any time I’ve had a bright idea to try and work on my car, I can read a repair manual just fine, but when you encounter the first thing that doesn’t come out like the process said....that is when the real “fun” begins and you might as well throw the manual out of the garage as you frantically

Pretty cool, but perhaps a bit short-sighted. Here’s the wrenching game of the future

Yes, indeed. I personally love it when bolts fall into the holes in box section frames, never to be seen again. My secret to finding small dropped parts is to start looking in the most ridiculous locations first. If the small, dropped part can roll, it is usually wise to begin the search 50 feet from your workspace

This is a perfect game to delude many a youngster into thinking “I can do that...”. If only car wrenching involved simple, genteel activities. Aside from the aforementioned lost 10mm sockets, busted knuckles, broken bolts, and cursing, I would add a couple more essentials:

Is it really learning if you don't curse, have bloody knuckles and lose at least one 10mm socket?

This is what almost every pickup and Jeep looks like now since apparently people need 3 foot light bars to drive around on a sunny day.

I hate working under jackstands. If I must get under a car, it’s on jackstands, with the jack touching but not supporting the car also, plus whatever wheels/cinderblocks/toolboxes I can shove under there too.

It really sucks, but you’re right. Ironically, I guess the next best thing he can do is lose the race (which he did, and in a spectacularly unflattering fashion).

I’d like to be pissed at LaJoie, but it’s true - he has pretty much zero say on what goes on that car. He could quit, and they’d find someone else. He could refuse, and they’d fire him. If he won, he’d be *contractually obligated* to thank his sponsors.

Right now, as he sees it, he can drive for Trumpster asshole, or

1) Gotta give Wallace big kudos for his response to Dumbass Donald—taking the high road—just too cool.

I had a little more... stylized? one.

The wind noise is PLENTY to let you know you’re smoking along. And it’s not as featureless as it may seem - you know you’re screaming.