
Towing the trucks out of the way does seem to be too go passive-aggressive and just cut their valve stems off; then they get to arrange for the towing in a nice and safe manner on their own.

I’m pretty sure most of us, given the choice, would want a lovely, precise gated shifter for our manual cars.

You just described my hesitance to align myself with anything too closely. Cars, video games, wrestling, politics etc. Fanatics of anything freak me out.

He is a professional YouTuber, all of the pros have sponsorships.

Since you obviously know so much, maybe you tell us what powertrains, colors, and prices will be...

Hoping for Chevelle here because we sure as hell aren’t getting anything like the original.

They claim they deleted the spare tire... ...for fuel economy.

*shrug* Why do the British have a ‘rear fog light’ addition to the other,two brake lights found on all cars?

Because illuminated dashboards are better? Using the dashboard lighting as an indicator for the headlights is dumb and unintuitive. You were forced to learn this spurious connection, but that doesn’t mean it is the right way to do it, or that people inherently recognize it.

I believe he literally means “me-too”.

I like to know why manufacturers decided to have the dashboard always be illuminated and thus people thinking their lights are on when in fact only their bright DRL’s are on.

So really you only wear a watch so you can bring up that you also fly. Nice.

Now playing

This guy is one of my favorite car guys. He was featured earlier on Petrolicious with his XJR-15. Jasbir Dhillon is the Jalop I want to be when I grow up.

and for cheap equipment, plastics, and all that... it still cost 80 grand and is too small for anyone over 5'9" to drive.

Yeah, because no car company has ever used plastic in their cooling system before...

Color me unconcerned about a thief's itchy eyes. 

My favorite part is when the thieves actually had the audacity to get mad that this backfired on them.

1. If you steal something that assaults you, that assault would be of your own making. The act of stealing supersedes the assault.

Good luck proving my cat’s litter box gifts are considered assault.

Should have had the box release a cloud of 3M 77 Spray Adhesive just before releasing the glitter.