Segata Sanshiro

Color me disappointed.

I applaud Capcom for delivering new dlc, especially when it’s free...but the expectation was set for three story-centric mini-campaigns, not three 4th Survivor modes. I’m probably in the minority on this, but I’m not a fan of 4th Survivor, in the remake or the original.

Writing an emulator isn’t illegal, so you probably shouldn’t worry about it.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Classics look like crap on lcd. None of these games were designed for it. 

Classics look like crap on lcd. None of these games were designed for it. 

“LCD provides a higher quality picture, and in most cases a larger picture.”

“LCD provides a higher quality picture, and in most cases a larger picture.”

Anyone putting LCD screens in classic arcade games should be taken out back and shot. There is no defense possible.

Anyone putting LCD screens in classic arcade games should be taken out back and shot. There is no defense possible.

My secret shame, I’ve tried all 3 dark souls and bailed on them all.

Dark Souls. I quit about 2o minutes into the game because the combat was just so slow and ponderous. 

High ranking government officials do not get the same expectation of privacy as regular people.

Glad you understand the rules. Now go fuck yourself.

I support the idea of people getting what they need where they can. And besides, do we really think Khaled isn’t stepping out on his wife at every turn?

Totally anti-gamergate. Totally see your point - I think what I meant there is not that I would be embarrassed in front of girls because of my geeky tendencies, but would be embarrassed in front of girls by the jocks/cool-kids because of them. Sort of traumatic at 13-14. But we had girls in our crew too - we weren’t

I can’t edit my original post - but to add some clarity after reading some of these responses: this was my own experience that was admittedly very small-town in the early 90s before the internet, and I realize what should have been obvious: that the internet brought with it the convenience of immediate response under

What blows me away about E-Sports is how there are continuous reports of macho thick-necked jock aggression and homophobia. During my middle and high-school years I carried “Electronic Gaming Monthly” magazine rolled up, so nobody could see what I was reading and I wouldn’t be picked on by the jocks or embarrassed in

Plenty of people wouldn’t be in plenty of places if not for the actions of others, that’s a weak, weak excuse. When someone is killed by a drunk driver, the place that sold him the alcohol and the car dealership don’t also get punished.

Now let’s see the police who killed the man charged with murder? No, that can’t happen because we’re fucked?

This. Also, the buried lede here is that yesterday’s action also defunds four major climate-observing satellite platforms. Because fuck climate, amirite?

It’s politicizing to criticize someone for saying racist shit? Oh I forgot, pointing out racism is racist now.

The mom says in the quoted post that you shouldn’t be crying if you’re not physically hurt, then turns around and uses her son’s emotional pain to go viral and get money. It takes some amazing mental gymnastics to pull something like that, all politics aside. And also, as a mother, if my kid was in that kind of

I’m not racist. I have white friends. Namaste!