That got to me too! I hope the mom sues the shit out of everyone involved in this fuckery.
That got to me too! I hope the mom sues the shit out of everyone involved in this fuckery.
I went to
No, this is not a tough one. We need to stop defending misappropriation, stop trying to explain it as harmless. We need to see it from another perspective. It is not harmless - at the very least here’s what we’re saying when we do this:
Temple of Love with Ofra Haza is almost always on one of my playlists.
I grew up in NYC and remember reading about it when I was a teenager in the 70s, I think in the Village Voice, plus channel 13 (PBS) had several shows that either discussed the incident or had documentaries on the movement.
I’m watching Haley’s press conference now. She is such a horrible, lying, racist piece of shit. She’s still using words like heritage, respect, history and honor in relation to that disgusting piece of filth they call a flag. At one point when she called for the flag to be removed, the audience started clapping.…
I thought the finale was a satisfying ending to a great show.
Awww, try not to get down on yourself. What you did was not dumb, you were trusting and played by the rules. I think a support group is really your best first step. Once you meet others who are or were in the position you are in now, you’ll realize you’re not alone. So many of us have been through this and as…
So sorry! From your posts, it sounds as if you’re being cut out not only by your husband, but by your family also. This is very brutal and you need someone to talk with, someone who will take your needs into account. A divorce support group could help. If you are discussing settlements, you need a lawyer.
When we’re talking about literature, us ladies call ‘em ‘clitorati.’
Starred for conniptions!
How does he get away with this? Oh, yeah, never mind.
“Look who’s leavin’, all the black people.”
In your post you sound as if you have forgiven your Mother to some extent, and that you understand it may have been the disease’s fault and not all her responsibility. But you also know that doesn’t change what happened, it doesn’t negate her abuse. Those who are telling you to talk to your mother do not have your…
“ delusion is completely of its own manifestation, thank you very much.” Well, at least you know you’re delusional.
You’re so right about Rogaine. It works for me, but you have to keep using it, otherwise your brows will start to thin out again. I know some women who didn’t get good results with the women’s version - got much better results with the men’s.
To quote Christopher Walken, quoting Frank Sinatra...”Wowie, Wow, Wow, Wow!”