Love that!
Love that!
Regardless of your comfort, sitting with legs splayed should not be the default way of sitting on mass transit or in other public spaces where people are required to sit next to others who feel it necessary to take up more than their seat space. While it may be more comfortable for you, what about the persons sitting…
First - My reply was sarcastic, some people get it, some don't. But at least you qualified my so called assumption as a fair one, so thanks for that.
Dear NBC,
Fuck Baba WaWa. That was a cynical question, asked specifically to cause controversy and drum up publicity for her show that no one gives a crap about. I loved Christies's response to her, but it would have been awesome if he'd answered "I'm fat, really? I hadn't noticed."
Well, "kadooz" to you for admitting it, but sitting with legs splayed should not be the default way of sitting for anyone. Try doing some pelvic floor and thigh muscle exercises. Once your muscles are in shape you should be able to keep your legs closer together. You know, those muscles are important for things other…
Oh, I get it, now. Thanks!
Sorry your mom is sick, I hope the holidays go well for her, you and your family. I will dedicate my first piece of fruitcake to all the brave moms out there this year.
I love fruitcake, and it's softer, more socially acceptable cousin the Entenmann's fruit stollen. I put butter on the stollen.
Thanks. It was the not-checking ID part that had me confused. I was picturing some sort of
Just wondering, how do the recipients "...sell the excess..."?
Ladies, dealing with a leg-spreader can be difficult. We don't want to come off as pushy or, god-forbid, bitchy. Remember, you and your fellow passengers are all on a journey together. Be sympathetic toward your leg-spreading seatmate. Speak to the spreader in a kind but highly-audible tone, as if speaking to a room…
Awww... a happy ending. Just the thing to remind us of what we should really be thankful for. Enjoy the fun and comfort of your family this Thanksgiving.
Great story, filled with all that makes Thanksgiving special. I laughed till I cried. Thanks!
I was a fan of "The Apprentice" and "Celebrity Apprentice", stopped watching when Trump started bashing the President. Now I don't miss them at all, oh well.
Thanks for the site. I put in my correct weight and height but all the pictures looked way smaller than I do when I look in the mirror, or even, god forbid, see a picture of myself. So, I entered my actual weight + 10 lbs., and what do you know, the pictures looked just like me. I guess it's not the camera that adds…
"Luxury Brown," the color of poop after dining on caviar and champagne.
Why does Bugs have to do all the work? Why won't Floridians voluntarily self-deport?
Since first hearing this story, I thought the butt chugging was neither self-administered, nor voluntary. I don't see anything here to make me change my mind.
Yes. I posted the facts from BLS site to reinforce your point that anecdotal evidence is not real evidence. Real evidence shows that even though some think nurses, in general, are paid well, they are not when compared to other, traditionally male occupations.