
I was thinking about how it’s awfully curious the wife hasn’t made a statement to back him up when I realized he’s not even denying what he said. His response is him completely not understanding that HE was wrong. His entire complaint is her perfectly reasonable reaction to his assholic behavior. She made a pretty

But some pepper spray or mace.

Take a picture of all the men who are protesting by using the womens bathroom. Then post all the pictures on a website under the heading:

Men get so bent out of shape when they are treated like women.

Truth. Same deal with all these fuckin abortion laws. Their choice=the “right” choice, so let’s take away all the other choices so that everyone makes the “right” choice.

Sorry - not sorry. I’m from the Gavin deBceker school of thought on this: ‘No’ is a complete sentence. When you tell someone ‘no’, and they persist in their behavior, you have to ask yourself about why they’re attempting to control you.

One thing stands out. If he was truly insulted by what she said to him, why would he give the thumbs up sign when she returns to take his photo?


These assholes are so transphobic that they start looking for “signs” that someone is trans (in particular, that they are a trans feminine spectrum person) and attack people if they find said signs. What this looks like is creepy conservative men creepily scrutinizing people’s (nearly exclusively women’s)

One of my coworkers was disgusted by one of our nicest customers because he thought her big hands meant she had been born with a penis. I neither know nor care if she started out life with a penis, but all this bathroom policing has the potential to affect ANY woman who doesn’t perfectly fit the mold of conventional

If I saw an obviously cisgenered guy in the ladies room I’d make some crack like “You’ve had a beautiful transition!” just to punch him in the nutfeels.

For the record, if you’re one of these dudes, I never asked you to protect me or my children when we’re using the bathroom. Please don’t. Or, if you do, do me a favor and protect me from yourself.

I’m glad they have solved all other societal problems so they have time for this.

Because what you really want to do is hold up a mirror to these weeping syphilitic cocksores and say “LOOK. Just LOOK at yourselves. YOU ARE THE POSTER CHILDREN OF INTOLERANCE AND HATE. You want the world to revolve around you AND ONLY YOU. Fuck anyone different to you, right? Only YOUR life matters. You bring no joy

Boy oh boy are these people going to be surprised if they ever need to go to the bathroom in a bar in Europe.

Yeah. That camera thing. No fucking cameras in a bathroom, perverts. At the gym that I belong to, you can have your membership revoked for using a cell phone in the locker room because it is too easy to record someone without their consent. If some asshole is using his camera in the women's bathroom, he better hope it

Sounds good to me! Since most of them seem to be missing an empathy gene maybe they’ll finally learn how shitty it feels to be segregated. They can even take their penis-lengthene uh I mean guns in with them if they like.

God help me if I find some fuckwitted meninist trying to pee in the ladies room just to prove a point. I love how these jackasses express their transphobia by demanding entitlement to enter a female space.

I would die of irony if one of these conservative douchewaffles was shot by a woman using concealed carry.

do you ever just want to put your head inside a paper bag and SCREAM FOR 6 HOURS?