Bionic Woman and original Battlestar were both staples of mid-day syndication, back in the pre-1000 Cable Channels time of Television Yore.
Bionic Woman and original Battlestar were both staples of mid-day syndication, back in the pre-1000 Cable Channels time of Television Yore.
Man., who DOESN'T love seeing the Punisher weeping for mercy at the feet of a child.
Had several titles shorted by Diamond to my shop so a light week. The finale for Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy which confirms for me that the whole thing could have been in half or even a third of the number of issues. Plus Knights of the Dinner Table and Doom Patrol.
I have a feeling the only way Stechel would have Netflix is if they started mailing out VHS tapes.
Is Demi Moore the only person to play a stripper and a SEAL? Any of the Magic Mike guys play SEALS?
High fives for a fellow hater of the Matrix. Though I kind of like the second one with its ghosts and kung fu craziness.
Lilo & Stitch
I look at the declining health of my maternal grandmother and the deaths of my grandfather and paternal grandmother and have to ask, WHY THE FUCK ARE THESE ANCIENT SHITBAGS DOING SO WELL?
I would like to wake up from this and find out that my country actually voted in Chuck Woolery as POTUS instead. Or fuck, Pat Sajak even.
How the fuck do we get rid of Sheriff Joe only to fuck up on a national scale? Fuck me.
Soothing whale songs.
Is the trouble that Ponyhead is just a floating head and so makes Marco carry everything?
Think of the strangely beautiful offspring they could have. Using cloning technology of some kind 'cause Stewart is probably hella old. Still. Lil' baby Snoop/Stewarts.
What office did Secretary Clinton hold that involved tax enforcement?
Among the undead Elder Vampires & Mummies are trending Trump. Liches, Wights & Draughs go Hillary. And Zombies, being brainless, are all lined up for Stein.
Sexy, sexy Hill-bots?
Hinds is always cool. Though for HBO character reference I think Julius Caesar in Rome is a better call-back.
But casual sex is cool, right?
Bring back Rintrah!
Got the above mentioned Prophet: Earth War finale. And new Southern Bastards (that is one angry vengeance seeking daughter in the background this issue), Bitch Planet and the Wicked & the Divine (which I admittedly haven't finished reading, 'cause thats a lot of text).