Nextwave put you in his pants FFF?
Tiny, shrunk down monster just trying to get by living in the city FFF?
Or giant space dragon battling Thor and Iron Man FFF?
Nextwave put you in his pants FFF?
Tiny, shrunk down monster just trying to get by living in the city FFF?
Or giant space dragon battling Thor and Iron Man FFF?
Haaaaaaaallway Fight!
And the irony of that final bit in that Lou Diamond Phillips is Fillipino despite so often playing Native Americans.
Wait moving to FXX? SONOFABITCH!
Because its for boots. And only works on Punks, Goths and the occasional multi-classed Goth/Punk.
But how does Lightning Jack compare to Kangaroo Jack?
I think we can all agree that Matt Damon's acting career reached its perfect peak with We Bought a Zoo. Really its the pinnacle of cinema as a whole.
"So it turns out we're all amnesiac aliens from the planet Zeist."
And thanks to Netflix letting me see the unaired episodes, the memory of Whitford and Gary Cole's double bitching 'staches.
"Alpha House" was pretty great and I can hope they do a 3rd season set during the current primaries 'cause then I could believe in a universe where John Goodman's senator was the Republican nominee instead of the Trumpster Fire
I think I brought it up in some Ian McShane thread, but Susan Cooper's "The Dark is Rising" if only to erase the terrible, terrible failed movie adaptation that was the Seeker
Though playing Lex's dad, John "Lionel Luthor" Glover was generally a pretty damn good Lex Luthor in Smallville.
I completely forgot the debate was last night and instead played Settlers of Cataan with AUDIENCE airing Restoration in the background.
Jason O'Mara wishes he could have a series regular role that lasted anywhere near the length of McGinley on Married With Children (167 episodes), Happy Days (61) or Love Boat (60). Or even Dynasty (34). Hell, I like the guy as an actor and wouldn't mind seeing him get something long term.
I remember his sadistic guard being in at least two episodes. Even for OZ his death left me thinking, wait would that work?
Abraham Benrubi will always be Kubiak, the kid who punched out a bus.
I don't know about best, but the only Woody Allen movie I've ever found myself even trying to watch more than once is "Antz".
The marvel universe does have a Serpent Squad/Serpent Society of snake themed mercenaries. I believe the comics versions of Cottonmouth and Diamondback were members.
Watching this show I did end up wondering why other than a throwaway line in the 1st Avengers, the Hulk/Abomination brawl never gets brought up in relation to New York City in general or Harlem specifically.
Jurassic World 2: Curly's Gold?