
Would you recommend games of "living" chess using press-ganged drifters with deadly consequences? And if so, do you have recommendations as to out-of-the-way locations for the board? Also how off their game would average 7-year olds be put by the screams of the dying? I'm asking for a..friend.

They had a digital Deadpool sale a couple months back. Grabbed the classic 90s collection and the Posehn one where Deadpool fights all the zombie Presidents of the United States.

Is Gary Oldman on the ship? It was probably him. Space Gary Oldman is always up to something shifty.

For "Gotham Academy" it was basically me looking at an issue and wondering "Are any of the creative team still the ones that sold me on the book at launch"? And for "Adventure Time" it was just me deciding I had enough "Adventure Time" comics at around #50.

The best part of the DnA run of Guardians of the Galaxy is it was just one Pip the Troll appearance away from being a full-on Infinity Watch reunion.

Did either of you try out FEAR Agent? That was my initial intro to Remender. Its all crazy scifi hijinks with giant dollops of pathos to it. I've got the two giant hard-bound omnibus Dark Horse did for the series so I'm not sure how easily available the rest is now.

This week's pull STILL doesn't include the newest Giant Days because fuckin' Diamond. But it makes up for it somewhat with a return of Becky Cloonan's scifi horror Southern Cross and a new Resident Alien mini. Plus Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy (which still should of been compacted down to 4 issues), the new Doom Patrol

I'm with Blevins in my expectations for Hail, Caesar! I very much went expecting a more high-energy slapstick style comedy/caper picture.

I recall Ultimates Aunt May and MCU Civil War Aunt May both being hot older ladies.

I really liked that "Fox Sister" webcomic. Pity its still in hiatus limbo.

Stephanie's a bounty hunter, unless that changed after I gave up on the series around book 20 or 21. I think Evanovich has a series that features a lady detective but I'm not sure. I know there's one with a magical baker.

THEY want you to think its the '76 Flyers when REALLY its the '77 Rangers.

I thought Susan G. Komen Foundation's mission was to spend charitable donations on lawsuits against people or groups trespassing on their brand and paying their overbloated staffing and office costs.

Sean & Theresa will recruit some leprechauns who will fix everything with a magic jig.

Comics-wise the main thing for the last week was The Amazing Spider-Man Marvel Masterworks vol. 1 by Lee & Ditko on the Kindle from a daily deal. Those first early issues and Pete's inner monologue really make him kind of brat.

I'm getting both the Way books unseen, I'll decide after a flip thru on the other two.

TWO good things in that movie. John Goodman suplexes a ninja and a viking racer shouts CROM. Maybe I'd be more forgiving if they killed the annoying kid and his monkey. But they don't.

You gotta squeeze 'em juuuuuust right.

They're probably hoping Lorenzo Lamas will come busting in and bust these so-called "vegans". Just drag 'em off to Vegan Jail after stripping them of their psychic powers.

How can I hate on any Rory/Boyfriend when there is Lorelei/Rory's Dad? Or worse, Luke's Surprise Daughter. Ugggghhh.