
FNL's murder cover-up is going to be near the top of any list for that. Also most of the Native American stuff on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, at least until the used it to tie-in David Cross' character and his family owning the Redskins.

I know its a Simpson's quote, but the Valley HAS an international airport.

Probably not as dark as Afterlife with Archie or Archie vs. Predator. Maybe darker than Archie/Punisher though.


Live-action Power Pack from Disney. Except set in space. Like a jr. version of Farscape really. Big screen, I don't think theres been a a Dark Horse originated movie in a while. Since Hellboy 2 I think. So maybe the just post-WW2 story from that setting? The one with the vampires?

I got inoculated from Kevin James Fever by watching "Zookeeper".

I remember when "Raising Hope" did a call back to "Yes Dear" with Mike O'Malley and Liza Snyder using Burt & Virginia's sex tape to help their marriage.

I had to look up "Still Standing" to remember which show it was. And I still am amazed at being told Mark Addy is just a regular blue collar slob from the midwest. I mean he mostly tamped down the accent, but this was still post "Full Monty" and "a Knight's Tale".

Has the comic's creator considered those attention deficit drugs? 'Cause this was some random stream of consciousness shit going on here. Like dreams with 102 degree fever.

Ok, so maybe Son of Zorn won't die before getting a chance. But the pre-showing reviews on Lethal Weapon have been pretty dire. So Go Lethal Weapon! You can Not Do It!

Leaving work. I heard the initial reports over the radio on the drive home. And then watched the news for most of the morning.

Image had a similar crossover years earlier. Except with a hybrid rape baby and using it as a reason all the Extreme Studios characters didn't hang around in Image-Land anymore.

Battleship's Jesse Plemmons 4EVER

At least, according to Paul Grist anyway.

Sounds like the Robinson run of JLA all over again. Or am I thinking McDuffie? Whoever got stuck with the pre-"Flashpoint"/post-"Final Crisis" run.

"Oliver Beene" & "The Grubbs" join the Thursday Night here and gone duds from yesterdays NBC post in that I can recall absolutely nothing about them. And these are from seasons before DVRs, streaming and sometimes even without cable. I mean I can remember something about other forgettable sitcom flops like "The

It was very "We Want to bring our 15th level characters out of retirement for a one-off". So, yeah very bad ass and very pointless.

Has any other Arquette won the WCW World Heavyweight Championship Belt? I. Think. Not.

All I know about milking pigs comes from Pratchett's Nation where it is established that is a task so horrific that it can never be spoken of. An act of true heroism.

Antz is good.