
*Michael Winslow makes beeping noises*

The SyFy zombie show has DJ Qualls at an arctic military base doesn't it?

Did they ever add the luchador character to the show?

I could see Duke in House Harkonnen

Isn't Frequency the same sort-of-time-travel plot as the movie?

Revolution was still on the air last season? Huh.

Is Bastille Day the Quebecois equivalent to those terrible Gary Marshall holiday ensemble movies?

Come on pre-airing cancellation of Son of Zorn!

More Power Rangers I'd think. Bound to have been a few tooth themed rubber suit monsters in the mix.

A Cap'n outranks a Lt. though.

They bring Darwyn Cooke back from the dead and they can make whatever comics they fucking want.

OOO. Fell. Yeah more of that.

Pirates of Coney Island.
The Damned.
Bee & Puppycat.

Got some Groo: Fray of the Gods #2 where some people (and a god) attempt to steer Groo for their own purposes. As the other Groo-verse gods now this will end poorly. Hilariously poorly.

Garrett Hedlund is NOT Garrett Delahunt which explains why that TRON reference was confusing me.

He gave up an eye for that 'S'. Its full of secret, dark wisdoms.

I had the jet/gun as a kid but I can't recall ever getting it to work properly with the show. Something about the difficulty in finding the right range to stand and "shoot" the tv.

I'm with you on #4. The words Gerard Way and Doom Patrol have got me excited about a new DC book for the first time in over a year.

Haley Joel Osment is pretty good in a small part in Amazon's Alpha House

The DeLuise brothers are due for a comeback. One that doesn't involve Disney Wizards. Or more Disney Wizards. Either way. BIG comeback! Maybe even a SeaQuest revival? Hmmm. With Disney Wizards?