
The site has been running ads for TBS' Adam Ruins Everything.

This week was the new Island #10, which I think I half buy just to support the idea of people doing a monthly anthology like Island. Which is to say, other than Farrell Darymple latest "Popgun War" chapter I'd be hard pressed to tell you what else was there.

Given that this is an Ostrander written squad, I'm now hopeful that the team fucks up in a major way and not-Rumsfield faces whatever penalty the Hague dishes out.

Who's saying TTDIDWYD is a bad movie? I'll cut 'em!

ABP. Always Be Puntin'

More than clones? Like MAGIC ponies CLONES?

Ha ha, Bendis remembering bits of continuity he himself wrote in. The man is too busy spending that sweet, sweet Playstation Network money to remember stuff.

Ugh. This Civil War is dumber than the last one. "MUST STOP FUTURE BAD". Do you know how laughably easy its been shown to "borrow" Dr. Doom's time machine? If you're going after people for futurecrimes than you need to be going into the past to arrest Hilter and Pol Pot and every other mass murderer. THE DEATHS

I've got 3 facebook accounts for gaming and one is under my cat's name and the other of a fictional Marvel character. Which led to me finding a large community of people who create fake comic book themed accounts for role-playing reasons.

Like the peewee hockey episode of the Simpsons. Which I assume means at some point the cast of both hug it out and skate off together holding hands.

I love Van Lente. Both his creator owned stuff like Action Philosphers and Comic Book Comics and his hire work like Marvel Zombies or his Valiant titles. But then I remember he inflicted Cowboys vs. Aliens on the world. Truly he is history's 8th Greatest Monster.

I'm sure next year's Secret Civil Invasion House of Vs. Wars cross-over will redeem everything. Though will it be as good as DC's upcoming Crisis of Critical Crisising Zero Time Crisises? Who can say.

Outside of singles, the main thing for the last week was probably picking up the first two volumes of Brubaker's Captain America: Winter Soldier arc on sale for my kindle. I hadn't read them until now and they definitely live up to the hype I'd heard for them.

He's made it a big deal at least. I mean he's got a tank and a jet and mobile command center like "Knight Rider".

"The Strange Calls"! Thank you. I watched it a few months back and I've been completely blanking on the name.

While I agree that its kind of Seinfeld with Capes, my high esteem for that incarnation can be summed up in two words. Bat Manuel.

Right now I'm in the middle of Django Wexler's latest "the Shadow Campaign" powderpunk, the Guns of Empire. Just recently finished the 2nd Weber/Zahn "Honorverse" prequel a Call to Arms, Ann Leckie's 2nd "Ancillary" book Ancillary Sword and Xixin Liu the Three-Body Problem. Plus a larger than normal selection of

I recall from interviews when the book was coming out that Joe Hill said how for this one he was just steering right into writing like his father. And its definitely full of King Senior tics and tropes. Not that thats a bad thing of course.

Just caught the pilot. Interesting, though I do wonder how well it would do as even a 8 or 10 episode season.

Did you ever catch the movie JCVD? It has Van Damme as himself getting caught up in a bank robbery.