I remain hopeful for another MCU Hulk movie so we can have Tim Blake Nelson's Leader and watch Ty Burrell get gamma mutated all super-buff.
I remain hopeful for another MCU Hulk movie so we can have Tim Blake Nelson's Leader and watch Ty Burrell get gamma mutated all super-buff.
Yeah that was my reasoning.
I'm trying to remember, Pinky & the Brain or Animaniacs bit?
Chipotle salsa?
Its cool, its cool. She only smokes up when in England.
I guess sometimes actual quality can help? Or the producers for BOT had better blackmail photos than Uncle Buck 2.0's?
Son of Zorn
Lethal Weapon
SVU (its gotta end some year)
Criminal Minds (down to what, two original cast at this point?)
Chappell's drunk. The final 3rd of Daredevil s2 has Castle in prison with Fisk, the Castle/Karen Page team-up and the Foggy/Murdock break-up. Ok and maybe lots and lots of magic ninja stuff.
Are you sure? Have you checked your kitchen lately? Perhaps this might explain why you're out of milk.
CSM seems to be using DHP to run the series until she has enough for a new collection.
New Dark Horse Presents, though I've really only read the "Finder" part so far. Along with new Lumberjanes and the Wicked & the Divine. Plus the happy surprise of the new Superfuckers Forever by James Kochalka.
Binge watching "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend"? There was a song even.
Ah Suburgatory, where they ended the series with a pair of teen-agers fucking in the literal street.
Benoit was what drove me away from being a wrestling fan. I've tried a few times to get back in but nope.
I guess consenting acts between consenting adults. Or adults and adult-ish travesties of nature/god's work. But still. Hamburger fucking. Ewww.
Not quite at the level of 'Nam special forces vet but try "Straight Time" from 1978.
Moon/Ba work so well together.
As mentioned elsewhere a light singles week. Only Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy was a pull (and why is this 6 issues?) and I picked up the Avengers Annual, for the Jess Fink story if nothing else.
Wasn't True Detective Season 2 just last year?