
Last week was pretty light, only got the new Paper Girls and Giant Days. Oh and finally remembered to grab the latest Prophet: Earth War. Tomorrow looks to only have the next Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy. But I did get the Squirrel Girl/Great Lakes collection in the mail today.

This article and all of you are way off base. Its obviously Vin since the Rock has been trying for YEARS to get him to break out of his D&D shell and play some Fading Suns. Which is OBVIOUSLY a much better setting for running a Chronicles of Riddick campaign. C'mon Vin, branch your candyass out.

But Dennis Miller man. And whoever else was in it. The acting man!

That movie really had no idea where to go with its tone or genre. Plus BORING.

Hedaya's great though he seems to play a lot of crooked and/or evil cops.

I sadly expect Supernatural to eventually exceed the Simpsons for total seasons.

So you're saying Hillary is one of those Highlander type Immortals?


Is no one going to ask about why he's reading a cookbook for human flesh? Also McSteve is just wandering the woods looking for dead animals to remind himself to be positive? Thats some serial killer shit right there.

I'm guessing Wilson will be the Steve Martin roll. So somebody older and British for the Caine part? Helen Mirren orJudi Dench maybe?

There was a somewhat large tpb reprinting of various First Comics books a few years back. Replaced the majority of my Grimjack singles with nice shiny more easily shelved for rereading trades. I know there was at least one Jon Sable collection as well

Things I remember about "Worlds at War". They brought Arrowette back into Young Justice as a medic or something. Something restoring Teen Lobo and adding cloned Slobo. And a couple deaths from the Superman books. General Lane I think? Also maybe Maxima?

I'm probably one of the few people who enjoyed that brief Giffen relaunch mentioned for 2001. Not as great as Ostrander, but I so enjoyed the modern era Sgt. Rock & Bulldozer dynamic plus the whole Wall and the Squad answering to President Luthor.

I'd have to a point by point comparison with the Playing D&D With Porn Stars group before reaching a final verdict.

The curb stomping scene in "American History X" still disturbs me just thinking about it.

At various times I've read people pointing out that Lilo's parents died in a car wreck caused by a storm. And that the reason she has to feed Pudge the Fish is because he controls the weather. And then I just die of heartbreak 'cause fuck you you bastard writers of a kids movie.

Look, I don't judge you for your fascination with the anal regions of drunk rednecks and I expect that you won't judge me for the NOTHING AT ALL NOTHING TO NOTICE GO ON WITH YOUR LIVES.

My old copies of the Marvel Super Heroes rpg say you're wrong. Admantium is harder than both kinds of Vibranium.

Wasn't Annabelle a prequel to the Conjuring? So this is a pre-prequel then?

All right thinking people should agree that Ron is dipshit for the majority of the books. A loyal and generally brave idiot. But still an idiot.