Followed by the female Stilt-"Man"
Followed by the female Stilt-"Man"
Ray Wise and John Glover were both pretty great. And I see someone else already commented with Peter Stomare. But creepiest movie devil for me is Viggo Mortensen in Prophecy. He doesn't have a lot of screen time, but his couple scenes he manages to out-creepy Christopher Walken's Gabrial.
Beware the deadly Drop Bear!
She's (probably) just about the right age for just getting into that style of writer. I was a LKH fan for most of my twenties.
So far this month, various comics trades. K.J. Parker's "The Last Witness", Lois McMaster Bujold's "Penric & the Shaman". "Flex" by Ferrett Steimitz and "Stone in the Sky" by Cecil Castelluci. And just finished Alan Dean Foster "Into the Out Of". Which I remember reading the bit with the eyes at the end so I must…
That could actually be interesting. This not so much. And I even liked Good Charlotte at some point. I mean they're no Bowling For Soup, but who is?
Even the Dakotas?
Ernst: ESPECIALLY the Dakotas. ISIS hates bison.
I wonder how long that "real athlete" cachet can last without some additional charisma backing it. On the one hand you can have a wrestling career like Kurt Angle. On the other equal talented "real" athletes like Ken Shamrock or Steve Blackman never progress past midcard.
Oh man I'd forgotten how good the Glenn Close/William Fichtner stuff is. A brief shining moment in a generally forgettable season.
I ddin't realize Churchland was drawing the new Conan, tempted to go back for it. Is Van Lente still writing or is it someone new?
This week I got the above reviewed the Wicked & the Divine #21, Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy #2, Stumptown #10 which is a one-shot story to wrap up the latest volume and Mirror #5 which did nothing to allay critics who feel it has too much flash-back story-telling going on.
I adore a lady who sounds like weather inside a motor vehicle.
I won't lie, this thing is pretty tempting. But I've already got an emulator I barely use with many of these. Though not StarTropics.
Limitless. Shutup! I can dream can't I? Also Supergirl so my Streaky the Cat prediction can be proven true.
Ba-dump bum bump
Yeah, I gave my copy away as a XMas gift to one of my gamer friends whose kid was probably 8 at the time.
I tried to rewatch the D&D 'toon a few years back when the box set came out. It was not a pleasant bit of nostalgia. Maybe it just needs to be even crummier so it can be enjoyed because of its terribleness. Like "Hawk the Slayer" or "Krull".
Mostly 'cause we're all in our 40s now and kid is way past.
Hmmm. French/Vietnamese Fantomax. Indian Angel. Still Japanese Psylocke. I could see that.