
The new show will be a mystery procedural/love-triangle comedy starring Psylocke, Angel and Fantomax. The mystery portions will be kind of short given the whole telepath thing. The trio will have a L.A. based detective agency with wacky secretary Maggot.

He gets to shiv a Predator.

Anchorman has a lot of great bits but I don't think they really gel together into an actual great movie. Like I love the All Network Brawl and the inept attempts to seduce Applegate and the off-camera stuff with the producers' son and pretty much everything at the zoo at the end. But I wouldn't say it all really

Or maybe it was the TREES all along. WHAT A TWIST!

I wouldn't say majority, but there are more than a few that have me thinking "Really AV Club? Really?"

Will it at least be zombie animals? I vaguely recall a book series that focused on that. Or Mira Gaunt/Seanan McGuire's Newsflesh series had zombie animals.

Stuart saves the White House?

Is there a queue on netflix streaming? I've never noticed one.

Dinging her on chevalier vs. cavalier is bullshit. Its the same damn word.

I recall a Canadian import about a psychic emt called the Listener. Perhaps he can team up this The Watcher person. And there has to be someone from some foodie show who gets called the Taster. Then Johnny from the Dead Zone as the Toucher and maybe a dog as the Smeller. Bam, a crime solving team called the 5

They did make an original character, Sulu's husband.

My shop had to send back their issues of Knights of the Dinner Table due to damages, which was annoying. Beyond that only 3 titles this week:
-Future Quest #2
-Giant Days #16
-Paper Girls #7

Went to my sister's wedding last month, that was fun. Outdoors at a country club golf course, followed by drinks before the dinner. Blended marriage with my sister having four daughters and her fiance having one. So he's more than a bit outnumbered but they've been together for a few years before that so he should

Got to the sequel, Delilah Dirk and the King's Shilling last month, which was also pretty good.

I hated the end swerve in "The Mist" so damned much I nearly snapped the netflix dvd in half afterwards. But up until that it was a pretty great adaptation.

The handcuffed to a bed next to dead husband one or the finale to the Dark Tower series. Though to be honest, I've probably skipped about half of his last decade's worth of novels.

I'm reluctantly giving up on Michael Chabon's Telegraph Avenue. The standard Chabon character and atmosphere and character quirks just aren't clicking for me and I'm making no progress on the book. I also just finished the first Patsy Walker/Hellcat tpb which is wonderfully fun and whimsical. Even before finishing

I caught one episode of this last season, where they had a group of marauding bears (I think from a circus) in the Paris Catacombs. Has the show done anything to top that?

Is that Aquaman's octopus or Wonder Woman's kangaroo?

I disagree entirely and am hopeful that Streaky is the surprise in the space pod at the end of Season 1 Supergirl.