
Allison has some print collections of the various webcomics that precede and postcede Giants Days. Scary-go-round is a bit more twee with underpinnings of supernatural horror than GD, while Bad Machinery is pre-teen dectective mysteries with actual sci-fi and horror concepts.

This week saw a new Dark Horse Presents with continuing Tarzan, Mr. Monster and Finder stories. Also Lumberjanes with giant birds and magic cats and old ladies. And finally Invincible and Astro City, both great as always, though I'd say this Jack-in-the-box is a little lower end great.

Wizards is great to rewatch if you get the dvd so you can listen to Bakshi engage is soooooo much bitching about Disney.

Always thankful to be able to say, "so its not just me".

And now he's a canon member of the Avengers thanks to the various Pet Avengers mini-series.

While I do love the Dini/DCAU and any TMNT 'toon that includes at least one Usagi Yojimbo episode, I'm gonna champion the all too brief MTV's The Maxx. So creepy and weird and cool.

The A.V. Club
A basically useless poster who has nothing to contribute but his own sense of smug superiority doing so again.

Space Cabbie is a DC property, so just think about it all Snyder-ed up.

No one wants to talk about how much money LIFETIME spends in kickbacks to online pop-culture sites. Congress should investigate!

In addition to the above Howard the Duck, this week I picked up the latest Island anthology and Knights of the Dinner Table. Also the devastating latest Shutter, the Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy cross-over (though I've dropped the regular GA book) and the Wicked & the Divine. Also got the second collected volume of

I haven't had premium cable for a couple years, but I recall Skinemax was stuff like Lord of the G-Strings or those Batman porn parodies.

I'm hopeful that this movie will serve as the ideal bridge between tPotC & Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter. Perhaps a scene in a Mexican wrestling ring where he and El Santo meet for the first time?

Wednesday is normally dinner with the family night, but the moms was out of town. So the step-father and I ended up going out and trying a burger bar joint called Charr in North Phoenix. He got the regular burger and I tried out their Mac&Cheese&Bacon Burger. Very tasty burgers, still not sure about their truffle

If only because he has NKVDemon as his second-rate knock-off.

Hopefully my shop will have the latest Giant Days later today, since it wasn't part of my pull last week. Other than that, my 6/1/16 pull was Paper Girls, Savage Dragon and the Survivor's Club finale.

Cowboys can be super-heroes.

Vampires can be super-heroes.

I math'd once, but it gave me crazy nightmares. Never again!

Hannibal counts as a "barbarian" invader? Man, thats just a stone-cold diss on the Carthiginean city-state.

About a 1/3 of the way into Cat Valente's Speakeasy. And finished up last month with a reread of Tamora Pierce's Protector of the Small YA fantasy omnibus.