Dora does look to be covered with grit. From all the hiking, I guess?
Dora does look to be covered with grit. From all the hiking, I guess?
Whiskey enemas don't technically count as drinking
This week was pretty light for me. Squirrel Girl, Jem & the Holograms, Monstress and the finale for Secret Six. Did pre-order the 1st Patsy Walker, Hellcat trade as well as the collection of various previous Squirrel Girl appearances.
Groomer. His secret journals reveal he ran an underground werewolf grooming salon.
Ska is not punk you phillistine!
Yes. Except in those universes where he was a vampire or a zombie or an ape. Or part of a secret cabal of vampire apes. That Gibbon one-shot was weird
I got the idea that Gabrial only actually shows up the once, but then Maria can't really tell black people apart so every black person she meets she thinks is him.
I'm certain that my roommate will be thrilled he is not alone in liking this stupid, stupid, STUPID movie.
Simone's has been pretty upfront that it is extremely unlikely she'll be doing another go round on this or "Birds of Prey" anytime soon. Pity, as S6 is pretty much my last DCU book, but she seems pretty happy with concentrating on her creator-owned stuff for now.
Yeah, but Jesus Saves jokes don't work with American football like they do with soccer.
Kevin Bacon and a weird kid deal with ghosts? And its not a sequel to Stir of Echoes? Pity.
This is the one where Coyote eats the floor pepparoni isn't it? I just loved that brief little moment.
They probably had to stone the dog to the gills to keep it from yapping and biting and pissing all over Swoosie. Pomeranians are adorable but hyper little balls of fuzz.
Yeah but Jim Lee never guest starred on either of them.
Someone hasn't seen Zootopia yet.
I'm mildly fond of Affleck-Devil as well. But one just has to look at the playground fight scene to gain some understanding of its detractors.
Slott had She-Hulk actually practicing law during his run. I mostly remember the trial where Star-Fox had to defend himself from rape charges 'cause of his pheromone powers. Waid also had a lot of Murdock law stuff during his run. As far as can think of off-hand the closest the pair have come as opposing counsel…
He was on Bones for long enough that I just think of him as Sweets whenever I see him in something else now.
Fairuza always looked like she's about to unhinge her jaw and swallow people whole. At least in this and in Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead. But no judgements
Just got Vol. 3 of Mike Maihack's Cleopatra in Space in the mail and I picked up vol. 1 of Wytches for my kindle on sale last week. Plus this week has a new Beasts of Burden one-shot to go with my regular Wednesday pull