Now playing

Tyler is the only Gawker write who posts sensibly on a regular basis. I envision the Gawker staff offices to look like this restaurant; with Tyler being the guy just chilling at the table, while the rest of the Gawker staff runs around bullying those people they don’t like:

Close the borders, deport all the muslims, nuke ISIS held territories.

That is claimed by one study and was proven to be flawed, so that the person who published it later retracted it. Their method of data collection was backwards, instead looking at shootings in homes and then dividing up whether the home owner owned a gun or not. Didn’t even take into effect if it was the owner’s gun,

Statistics speaking is something that you have no reason speaking about. there is only a dozen or so“kid finds gun” deaths per year in the US. Sucks, but there are a few thousand “person defends him/herself” to stop a crime that never make the national news. Whaaaat? is the media wrong???

Well... there are reports of witnesses stating that the attackers were shouting “This is for Syria” and “Allah Akbar”, so what does that tell ya’?

The French historically can and will mobilize quickly, heroically and effectively to combat any and all threats to their liberty. They may use Uber this time instead of taxis though.

Contextual clues say so. Sometimes it’s okay to be right and it’s okay to hate. Love isn’t all you need.

Pistol on the hip.

There’s nothing wrong with bigotry if the target of hate is a culture prone to religious fanaticism. It seems you feel uncomfortable saying that radical Muslims are pieces of shit and realize being a “better person” doesn't always mean moral relativism.

1) Allowing radical Muslims into a country in order to be “accepting, diverse, multi-cultural” is deadly

He’s kinda right though... Sadly enough some people can’t come to terms with the fact that there are people out there who want ALL of us dead.

He’s a black belt in Hulk Smash.

Brianna Wu is a summit participant? Whatever else you can say about Gamergate, she is exhibit A for the belligerent insanity that comea from the other side.

Would your proof look anything like that, by chance? Because we have established long ago that using a hashtag is not proof of association. You would need to go to the places where GG gathers, and find evidence of people organizing harassment, people agreeing with it rather than condemning it, and then acting on it.

You either have proof or you don’t. In the absence of proof, you have no grounds to make accusations that GG is in any way connected to harassment. IE, you are a liar.

So... you have no proof? The cool thing is, Savepoint plans to address this very thing at the new panel, and the poor ways in which the media has handled it, as well as often colluding to do so.

Here’s another one for you:

0.66%, actually.

Do you have any proof to indicate a link between GG supporters and harassment? Because Women Action Media couldn’t find any.

As of this moment, there is no evidence of any threats aside from the anti gamer organization over twitter to shut down the GG panel, which ironically got their own panel canned as well.