
How is being a complete dumbass ‘woke?’”

Because Rush clearly stated that when it comes to hiring submarine pilots, being “inspirational” is a more important attribute than experience and qualifications, specifically calling out “50-year old white guys” as not meeting his hiring criteria.

Stupidity is not the exlusive province of the republican party is it? See Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden for just two instances.

This might be more convincing if Shannon hadn’t told Collider a couple of weeks ago that “multiverse movies are like somebody playing with action figures” and that working on The Flash “wasn’t quite satisfying for me, as an actor.” But even Zod has to eat, I suppose.

Congrats to you, I guess?

because it’s The Root not actual journalism.

would be nice to have a picture of Jackie oh and her father together to go along with article. Oh well...

Maybe his dog rolled over on its back, tail wagging...aaaaand to him that was consent? No? I’ll see myself out.

Ah, Communist USSR. They were always ready to sacrifice the safety (and lives) of their citizenry chasing that great big red dream of Utopia.

There are NO details in the “Article” about what emissions would be regulated, nor what those limits were proposed. If your mission was to inflame along political lines you weakly scored with this “Article.”  If your mission was to inform people then you failed on every count.

So basically the same thing that’s stopping the adoption of nuclear power for our electricity.

It’s almost like Star Wars is creatively bankrupt because the fans won’t let there be anything beyond Jedi crap. 

The hate for Elon is too funny. I remember when Jalopnik used to hire automotive journalists that were at least partially unbias, had experiance around cars, and wrote interesting articles about cars, and not slide shows ,and personal feeling articles. Guess that Bubba the Love Sponge lawsuit really did relegate Jalopn

Sperm whale. 

I’ve lived in the South for 25+ years (with a short diversion to the PNW).

I’ll argue that not every vehicle needs “soul”.

That’s exactly what I was gonna ask.

I know towing isn’t hauling, but my full size Ford gets around 30% less mileage when towing the camper. Pulling/carrying weight takes more energy whether it’s from dino-juice or batteries.

What’s the mileage hit like on the ICE versions of these trucks, when hauling the same payload?

Sounds like bullshit to me.

If she had set the fire she’d have set herself up to heroically save everyone.